Lizzie Sider Talk’s Music + Overcoming Adversity!
15year old Lizzie Sider is making the world a better place one assembly at a time. She has traveled alongside her family to over 200 schools throughout California and Florida performing her current chart toping single Butterfly.
Throughout her assembly tour she has warmed the hearts of countless young children by discussing her experience being bullied as a child and how she over came some of her toughest moments in life.
“I started to get teased when I was in kindergarten and it lasted throughout 4thgrade. I endured years of exclusion and teasing. My peers would exclude me from games at recess, they wouldn’t let me sit with them at lunch, and they would call me names. They would laugh at me. It was hard because I would come home crying almost everyday. Until, one day before I went to school my Dad told me, “Nobody has the power to ruin your day. “”
In that moment she realized that she has the power within herself to overcome the adversity she experienced while being tormented by her peers at school. Overtime Lizzie mentally became stronger and finally she was no longer affected by the ridicule of her classmates.
Lizzie noted that her song Butterfly has a universal message that can apply towards anyone who feels hopeless and struggles with the hardships of life. Most importantly, Butterfly is a song that was created to inspire people to believe in themselves and develop their inner strength. This process is equivalent to a caterpillar’s evolution into a beautiful butterfly. Lizzie says, “We are all butterfly’s!”
Lizzie dished details about how music flows through her veins. She reminisced about childhood summers she spent in Jackson Hole, Wyoming with her parents. Every night in their kitchen they would listen to the melodies of Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, and Marty Robbins.
Lizzie starred in her first musical theater production at the tender age of six years old and began writing music at eight years old. “When I go into a writing session I love it. Because you have the different personalities of the different writers and you have the different writing styles and different idea’s and you put all of those together in a melting pot and you come out with a product that is so wonderful!”
She shared, that some of her best moments of relaxation occur alongside of her piano. During those moments she is able to write beautiful music that conveys the type of stories that will make your heart thump! She feels that writing a song and putting the music to lyrics is a way of expressing sentiments that cannot be conveyed only through words.
In the future Lizzie plans to continue to create great contemporary country music and extend her Assembly school tour to Texas. She will be able to touch the lives of many more young children by sharing her personal story of overcoming adversity, and performing her influential music!